In his early years Bruce, who stood all of 5 feet tall, was a giant in his own way. He had owned and operated 3 drug stores for 40 years and amassed a veritable fortune along the way. Bruce's wife died tragically at a very early age. Their one son had already left the house, but the son and Bruce became estranged over time. I first met Bruce at age 90. You could tell why Bruce was successful, because he was strong willed to say the least.
Bruce was non-compliant and cantankerous. He had several million dollars and no one to talk to. His son Bobby was a multi-millionaire in his own right and had no interest in his father or his father's money. He was currently living with wife #3 in a northern city. However, as I listened to them both I knew in my heart that each one really loved the other. Thus began my quest to reunite them.
My hardest job: teaching Bruce how to show his love for his son. Second hardest job: teaching Bobby how to listen. Every time I saw Bruce I made him hug me. Every time I saw him I kissed him on the cheek. I did everything I could to force him to show affection and receive affection. I invited him to my family gatherings. I forced him to see what a loving family unit actually looked like. I forced him to feel what it was like to be loved.
As the father aged, the son developed a debilitating disease. Well, it took several years and many visits to get these two on the right track. We never told Dad that his son had medical issues. We hid the symptoms. People in their 90's are pretty self-absorbed so it wasn't that difficult. They eventually developed a loving relationship and got on better than they had in 50 years. I was delighted to see that Bruce finally found all the love and affection he had suppressed in his life and it was soon channeled in my direction. He called me every single day and worried that I was working too hard. If I visited him after 5pm he tried to send me home.
He decided (while he was still alive) to turn over all his assets to his son. We accomplished this quite easily. The son didn't need the money and it made no difference to his lifestyle as he battled his disease. My Bruce died about three years ago and I still miss him. But here's the interesting part:
About one year ago at the height of the financial meltdown in this country and at the bottom bottom of the stock market decline out of the clear blue I got a call from Bobby and here's a summary of what he told me:
"Hi Ronnee, I wanted to tell you once again that you made Dad's final years the best of both of our lives, my illness is getting the best of me at the moment, and here's something interesting that happened to me. Last year, I had a chance meeting with Warren Buffet and he encouraged me to sell everything I owned and to go short the market. I've made so much money I really can't spend it all, so - if there's anything you ever need, for whatever the reason, please call me."
I can tell you that there's a first time for everything......Ronnee
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