Frankie was a retired New York City Police Officer. He was a tough guy through and through. His wife had died and the light in his eyes simply went out. Frankie also was a packrat of the highest order. His three bedroom home was filled floor to ceiling with "junque". His attic was full, and his garage was piled high with more. There were pathways amongst the mountainous clutter which you had to navigate through, but if you needed to get a wheelchair into the house, there was no way.
Getting a packrat to get rid of some of his "junque" is one of the more unique and bizarre negotiations I have ever been involved with. If you will let me clean out 1/3of the garage, I'll let you keep the pile in the second bedroom. This went on and on.
Pulling teeth is an apt description!
I can only thank the Lord above that Frankie did not live in the days of the Home Shoppong Network. Had he been alive at that time, I'd still be getting rid of the stuff.
Frankie was suspicious of everyone and everything. Getting him to go to the doctor involved taking inventory before and after. Frankie was one of the strangest cases I've ever handled. Where he got his stuff no one knows, but I was convinced a lot of it had "fallen off a truck."
Newspapers, magazines, toaster ovens, old t.v.'s, boxes and boxes of linens, tools, hardware and on and on. What a pile of crapola.
The good stuff was actually in the attic, but we couldn't open the door or lower the ladder. But after his death when we were in the process of cleaning out the interior of the home, someone (who obviously knew) broke in and cleaned out the attic. To this date we have no idea what was up there.
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