One of the first things I try to do for new clients in to disenroll them from their HMO and get them back on Medicare. I really don't care how much money is being saved, HMO's are for people who are not sick and who can guarantee that they won't ever get sick. If you can't make that guarantee, stay on, or go back to Medicare.
Actually, the advertising today is so skilled and clever that many people who are on HMO's believe they're still on Medicare. Anyway, here's how it works. HMO's are insurance companies. the government knows how much it spent on averge last year to care for all the 76 year old women in Dade County. Let's say for argument sake it's $1000. The government offers the HMO $900 to provide a year's worth of health care for any 76 year-old women in Dade County who join the HMO. Every penny that HMO doesn't spend on you is their profit. Enough said???
If you only take away one tip from the many on my blog and/or my website, let it be this one............Stay on Medicare.
For more information contact Senior Solutions at (954) 456-8984 or toll free at 1-800-213-3524
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