Four tips for saving money on health Care
Whether you have individual or group health insurance, costs keep going up and we’re paying more out of pocket, but there are a few ways to guard your pocketbook. Here are four money-saving ideas to consider as you go about your routine health-care activities.
1. You might assume generic drug costs are all the same, but compare them anyway. Prices can vary widely depending on the kind of prescriptions and coverage you have. Shop around at pharmacy chains like Walgreens and Costco to see if your generic drugs cost less there than under your health plan. You may be able to find some savings. Charlie Lichtman, a San Francisco man who recently received notice his health premiums were going to rise 38%, cut his generic-drug tab by about $2,300 a year this way. See this Vital Signs column from early March for more on his quest for answers and savings.
2. Don’t be afraid to question your doctor. Many times potential savings and even patient safety concerns start at the doctor’s office. If your doctor wants to send you for a test, it’s a good idea to ask how the results would affect the course of your treatment. Patients are wise to be skeptical if the doctor is unwilling to discuss his or her reasoning – and both the risks and benefits of doing a particular test.
3. If your doctor sends you for a blood test, consider your options before going to the nearest laboratory. An independent lab like Quest Diagnostics may be able to run the same blood test just as effectively for less money.
4. Review your explanation of benefits forms. You may spot discrepancies or questionable billing practices. If you do, call your health plan, doctor’s office or hospital’s patient accounts line for more details. And if you’re on the receiving end of a persistent billing error that may threaten your credit score, don’t ignore your health insurer. They may be able to help you resolve the problem with your health-care provider.
For more information contact Senior Solutions at (954) 456-8984 or toll free at 1-800-213-3524
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